REINVENT Global Registry of IV Preparations

Image of a circle chart displaying various drug names.
Image of a circle chart displaying various drug names.

Transform Your IV Sterile Compounding Operation with the Power of Data

Imagine what you might do differently if you could combine the data mined from millions of IV preps from hospitals and health systems around the world. As part of our IV Care program, Omnicell has established a global, multisite sterile IV preparation registry made up of data from institutions that have adopted IV robotics.

REINVENT (REgistry for INtraVENous Technology in Pharmacy) is the industry's first global registry of IV preparations. This free service collects, aggregates, and translates data into valuable insights for improving your pharmacy. The REINVENT registry for IV technology currently has nearly 3 million IV preparations in the database available to our users.

For new customers who are planning to implement IV automation technology:

  • See data from other healthcare institutions that have successfully adopted IV automation to plan how it might work best for your pharmacy.

For customers who have adopted and are using IV automation technology:

  • Track performance, benchmark against others, and drive financial return.
  • REINVENT data can yield key insights and drive innovation in your pharmacy across a range of metrics and output types.

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Omnicell customers around the world are responding to industry challenges by initiating change management and digital transformation strategies. On day one, these organisations experience the benefits of their journey to the autonomous pharmacy.

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