Improving Medication Adherence

Improve patient treatment plan follow-up, acceptance and loyalty with Monitored Dosage System (MDS) services. Automate the MDS preparation with fully adapted blisters cards while freeing up team time for more valuable tasks.

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A pharmacist hands a SureMed pack to a customer

Medication Adherence

Tackling the Medication Adherence Concern

Pharmacist using a keyboard

Impact of Poor Medical Adherence: WHO Highlights Rising Morbidity, Mortality, and Health Costs

icon Eliminate error​


Medication errors per year in the UK

icon patient safety


Administration errors

icon medications


Dispensing errors

Medication without harm, WHO Report, Sabate, 2003. Economic analysis of the prevalence and clinical & economic burden of medication error in England, Elliott, Camacho, Jankovic, Sculpher, Faria, 2020

Empower Your Staff by Revolutionising Patient Care

Free pharmacists from manual tasks with automated medication adherence solutions. Empower them to become medication coaches, providing personalised guidance and support to patients. Boost patient engagement and adherence rates, leading to better health outcomes.

Empower Your Pharmacy To Work More Efficiently

Are you interested in increasing your productivity while improving medication adherence? Contact us to learn more about our pack filling robots and packaging solutions.

Download the SureMed Product Catalogue

Focus on More Value-Added Activities, Ensuring a Competitive Advantage and Customer Loyalty

Empower Your Staff

Free up pharmacists to work at the top of their license with assistive automation and adherence tools.